
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Summer Shape Up Routine – Your Bikini Body Workout To Get Lean!


Spring isn’t far away! Get started on your bikini body now so you’re not stuck with too much winter flab and not enough time to shed it.
It’s February. If you’ve already begun to focus on getting that great beach body, you’re ahead of the game. Most women leave their diet and exercise plans by the wayside until April or May. If you wait that long, it’s usually a scramble to undo all the damage from the long months of eating comfort food and hibernating from the cold.
Building the body you want takes a lot of time and effort. To ensure you’re not wasting days and energy, you need to do more than walk on the treadmill a couple times per week.

Finish Strong: 5 Workout Finishers For Maximum Muscle & Strength Gains!

female fitness pics

If you aren’t satisfied until your muscles scream for mercy, these workout finishing techniques may be just what the iron doctor ordered.
Picture this: You’re cruising through your workout at 100 miles per hour, blasting past everything in your way. You zoom through every exercise listed on your training log at a breakneck pace, feeling like a million bucks. You smash your last movement and, much to your dismay, you’ve still got plenty of gas in the tank. What gives? If this sounds familiar, it’s time for a finisher.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Intermittent Fasting – Diet Myths, Tips & Benefits. Is It For You?

Intermittent Fasting

Mention fasting to a bodybuilder, physique competitor or high level athlete, and you’ll probably be greeted with howls of derision.
For so long, the idea that eating small, regular meals is far superior for building muscle, losing fat, providing energy and optimizing performance has been prominent in the world of fitness and nutrition.
Fasting appears to be counterproductive to just about every goal you could have. You need calories, protein and carbs to build muscle, so how can fasting help with that?

The Top Four Training Mistakes That Might Be Hindering Your Muscle Growth!

f your goal is hypertrophy or a physique competition, why would you train like a powerlifter or pro athlete? Gear your training to your goals and find the size you’ve been seeking!
Over the years I’ve had the honor of training a multitude of physique athletes who were looking to gain size. In doing so, I’ve had to continually cultivate and refine my training concepts and techniques to help them achieve more success. After all, hypertrophy training is fundamentally different in some ways than athletic or strength training, and pretending it isn’t leads to subpar results.

7 Smart Ways To Stick To Your Diet During The Holidays & Christmas Season!

Alyssa Agostini Fitness

Leave the stuffing to the Turkey this Holiday! With Thanksgiving a few days away and Christmas just around the corner, I thought I would dive into a few ways to beat the holiday bulge, stay focused on your goals and still enjoy the festivities!
This is one of the most enjoyed and gluttonous of times, marked by excesses of food and alcohol, so here are a few ways to stay in shape without depriving yourself of home cooked meals and delicious desserts!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Marc Fitt’s Top 5 Fitness Tips For Getting Ripped 6 Pack Abs!


1. Know What You Eat And Track Everything.

If you’re looking to see your six-pack by dropping your body fat, you need to actually be in a deficit of calories. This means eating fewer calories than your body requires depending on your level of activity. A good deficit would be around 500 calories. You don’t want to have too little calories, cause your body always needs extra calories to survive, so if you drop too much it’ll try to set aside fat in order to have a reserve for when you need.

Marissa Rivero – The Best Gallery Of This Sculpted IFBB Bikini Pro Fitness Model! [33 Pics]

Marissa Michelle Rivero is one of the top fitness models and bikini competitors in the industry today. She is a team edge athlete and is sponsored by extreme nutrition.
With over 225,000 instagram followers, she has inspired so many people to hit the gym and work on bettering themselves and their bodies. She is currently dating top IFBB Bodybuilder Frank McGrath, who is widely known for his incredible physique and work with top supplement brand, Animal.

You can check out Marissa Rivero’s instagram here: Marissabishhhh

Marissa Rivero Gallery